Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification – Level II

“Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.”
~Jack Welch
Note: This is an Advanced Level Certification. A Standard Green Belt Certification is a prerequisite for applying for this Certification. The Green Belt Certification must be issued by either The Council for Six Sigma Certification or a CSSC Accredited Certification Provider (ASQ and IASSC Certifications will also be accepted). Certifications from other providers will be considered on a case-by-case basis. To have a certification issued from an outside provider considered, please submit it to info@sixsigmacouncil.org.
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification – Level II
A Council for Six Sigma Certification (CSSC) Certified Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Level II is an individual that has demonstrated his or her thorough understanding of enhanced problem-solving skills, with an emphasis on the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control) model. The Green Belt Certification Level II designation also reflects the knowledge by the individual to serve as a trained team member within his or her function-specific area of the organization. This focus allows the Green Belt to work on small, carefully defined Six Sigma projects, requiring less than a Black Belt’s full-time commitment to Six Sigma throughout the organization.
What to Expect
The Official CSSC Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Level II Certification has no exam component. Instead, it requires that the individual submit a completed Six Sigma project, following either the DMAIC or DMADV methodology, in which they were an active team member.
The project is fundamentally an evaluation of the individual’s understanding of the Six Sigma methodology and his or her proficiency in outlining and executing the necessary steps.
In the past, projects required that the project be completed in a “live” business environment. However, employers are not always willing to provide the necessary resources for a project or to report financial data to an outside organization for review. It is for this primary reason, individuals can submit either a “live” sponsored project or submit a “hypothetical” project to demonstrate proficiency.
If submitting a “hypothetical” project, a candidate will be graded primarily on the steps that are taken (as opposed to the actual “data” submitted). Again, the main purpose of the project is to measure a candidate’s ability to carry out a Six Sigma Project from creation to the final stages.
Upon payment of the project review fee of $300.00, an email address will be provided to submit the project for review.
The projects are graded by one or more Master Black Belts from our Accredited Training Provider network. All project examiners are under strict contractual Non-Disclosure Agreements to help ensure confidentiality.
Projects take 7-10 business days to be reviewed.
The MBB reviewing the project will be checking to see if certain “criteria” that needs to be met to demonstrate an understanding of project implementation is provided. They typically look for things like comparing possible projects in pre-planning, project charters, understanding and implementation of analysis tools, adequate control plans, etc.
If the project is rejected for not meeting CSSC’s standards, candidates will be provided an opportunity to modify and resubmit the project up to 3 times (within 1 year of payment). When a project is not accepted, the candidate is informed in regards to which parts of the project need improvement before re-submission.
If unsuccessful after 3 attempts, the applicant would need to pay the project review fee again.
Certification Requirements
Candidates are expected to list, in great detail, the DMAIC/DMADV steps taken throughout the course of the project.
Projects are reviewed and graded on a “pass/fail” basis. To successfully obtain the professional designation of a CSSC Certified Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Level II (CSSC-CSSGB-II) issued by The Council for Six Sigma Certification, individuals must receive a “passing” mark within 1 year of registration (up to 3 attempts permitted).
Generally speaking, many applicants submit projects that are most commonly 20-30 pages when counting supporting charts/graphs. Styles are typically well-outlined or in an essay format.
There is no required general format or length for the project. However, a clear and concise plan (i.e. Project Charter, DMAIC, Gantt chart, etc.) is expected.
A Standard Green Belt Certification is a prerequisite for applying for this Certification. The Green Belt Certification must be issued by either The Council for Six Sigma Certification or a CSSC Accredited Certification Provider (ASQ and IASSC Certifications will also be accepted). Certifications from other providers will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Awarding of Certification
After passing the requirements, candidates will receive an Official CSSC Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Level II Certification issued by The Council for Six Sigma Certification, the most respected accrediting organization in the Six Sigma industry.
Our certifications have no expiration date. We strongly feel that certifications that require “renewals” only serve to increase the profits of the certification providers instead of benefiting the individual. Or put another way, a Master’s Degree in Business does not expire… why would your professional certification?
Individuals that would like to obtain a more recent certification date can always resubmit additional projects at any time (often for less money than a provider would charge for a “renewal”).
Upon completion of the requirements, individuals are issued a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Level II Certification in an electronic form. All certifications contain a verifiable certification number and the certification holder is added to the Council for Six Sigma Certification Official Register.
The LARGEST Six Sigma Accreditation Provider in the World…
You need to be sure your certification will be respected and that the organization standing behind it will still be around in a few years. Our overwhelming reach across the globe speaks for itself.

To register for this Certification, please select which Green Belt series you previously completed your exams in:
PLEASE NOTE: Prior completion of a Green Belt Level Certification issued directly from the Council for Six Sigma Certification is REQUIRED for this registration. Certifications issued by other providers will be considered on a case-by-case basis and should be submitted to info@sixsigmacouncil.org prior to enrolling.
Orders will be voided if we are unable to match your Green Belt Certification to your account. All Green Belt Level II enrollments are manually verified.

*Shareable badges are available after certification for an additional fee.

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