For Large Corporations, Government Organizations, and Institutions
If you represent a University, College, private training provider, etc. please utilize the Training Provider Accreditation Request submission form.
Please note: this accreditation is solely for employers that train their own internal staff, but do not offer training to those outside of their organization. However, many of the same Accreditation Standards still apply.
We do not charge a fee for review or inclusion on our approved listing. With a mutual desire to ensure the long-term growth and integrity of Six Sigma Certification, we are currently funded through a combination of private capital contributions and advertising revenue.
Training coordinators that would like to have their program reviewed for Council of Six Sigma Certification (C.S.S.C.) accreditation will first need to create a listing in our training provider directory. Once your listing has been approved, you will then be permitted to apply for accreditation. Again, there is no charge for either service.