Our accreditation is based on a 3 part process…
I. Course Curriculum II. Course Structure III. Testing/Certification Requirements
Course Curriculum
All training providers are expected to have a minimum number of course completion hours to obtain Council of Six Sigma Certification (C.S.S.C.) Accreditation for their programs. Our listed minimum student contact hours are:

Black Belt
Certification Program
95 hours minimum

Green Belt
Certification Program
35 hours minimum

Yellow Belt
Certification Program
20 hours minimum
Please note that “Lean Six Sigma” Programs have the same requirements for the corresponding level. The Lean Six Sigma requirements are as follows:

95 hours minimum
Lean Black Belt
Certification Program

Lean Green Belt
Certification Program
35 hours minimum
For many providers Lean Six Sigma simply means a program includes “lean” principles in the Six Sigma Curriculum. We realize that many Six Sigma Black Belt and Six Sigma Green Belt programs are technically “Lean” Six Sigma Programs (although they do not include “Lean” in the name). In such instances, there is no need to submit an additional program accreditation request. This is already taken into consideration when a training provider is reviewed.
Each course offering should also meet the minimum Body of Knowledge in regards to content covered. Although training providers are encouraged to expand onto the existing Body of Knowledge, it is important that the minimum hours stated above are devoted strictly to the Body of Knowledge. Any extra subject areas would require that the “minimum student contact hours” are increased accordingly to accommodate the additional material.
II. Course Structure
Council of Six Sigma Certification (C.S.S.C.) Accreditation is available for classroom based training, classroom based certification, online “distance-learning” based training, online “distance-learning” based certification, “blended” training, “blended” certification, and internal “in-house” corporate training and certification programs provided strictly to employees.
Training providers are required to:
– Offer instructor support for direct questions in relation to the complete Body of Knowledge for the student’s respective program.
– Green Belt students should have access to, at minimum, a Black Belt Certified instructor.
– Black Belt students should have access to a Master Black Belt Certified instructor.
– Master Black Belt candidates should have access to a Master Black Belt Certified instructor that meets a minimum Master Black Belt experience and meeting minimum project exposure requirements.
Due to the wide variation of experience vs. exposure, Master Black Belt instructor acceptability is determined on a case-by-case basis.
– Provide Green and Black Belt level students with access to advanced statistical software (including basic tutorials for six sigma computations)
Testing/Certification Requirements
Training providers are required to (no certification):
– Test comprehension of the full Body of Knowledge for each student’s respective program. All testing must be written (whether physical or electronic). All results are required to be kept on file for a minimum of 1 calender year. Reasonable attempts must be taken to combat academic dishonesty.
Certification providers are required to:
– Test comprehension of the full Body of Knowledge for each student’s respective program. All testing must be written (whether physical or electronic). All results are required to be kept on file for a minimum of 1 calender year. Reasonable attempts must be taken to combat academic dishonesty. Students must be allowed the ability to challenge the validity of any question that is used to test his/her comprehension.
– Only issue a Black Belt Certification to a student that has demonstrated proficiency in the Six Sigma Black Belt Body of Knowledge by submitting a completed project for review by a Master Black Belt(s). A project affidavit can be substituted for the project contingent that reasonable attempts are made to assure validity.
– The project must demonstrate the student’s understanding of project implementation for the DMAIC, DMADV, or similar Six Sigma methodology.
– The project must employ the use of multiple six sigma tools/calculations.
– The project must allow the student to independently progress through each stage of the DMAIC, DMADV, or similar Six Sigma methodology.
– Only issue a Master Belt Certification to a student that has demonstrated proficiency in the Six Sigma Master Black Belt Body of Knowledge by submitting at least 3 completed projects for review by Master Black Belt Instructor(s). A project affidavit can be used for these 3 projects contingent that reasonable attempts are made to assure validity.
– The project must demonstrate the student’s understanding of project implementation for the DMAIC, DMADV, or similar Six Sigma methodology.
– The project must employ the use of multiple six sigma tools/calculations.
– The project must allow the student to independently progress through each stage of the DMAIC, DMADV, or similar Six Sigma methodology.
– All Council of Six Sigma Certification (C.S.S.C.) Accredited Providers are required to issue a certification number and certification date to each certified student. Providers are also required to maintain a database of all certified individuals from their respective programs. Reasonable attempts must be made to safeguard the database in the event of data loss, including but not limited to, weekly backups of all certified individuals.
– With the exception of internal “in-house” corporate training and certification providers, all certification providers are required to provide a method to verify the certification of any student that has obtained a certification through their respective program. Certification Providers are also required to provide the certification number and date of certification to any past student that has an “active” certification with that organization at no additional charge upon said student’s request.
– With the exception of internal “in-house” corporate training and certification providers, all submitted projects are required to be reasonably safeguarded. At no time should a submitted projects be sold, released, shared with individuals not related to determining Six Sigma Certification eligibility, or used for any other purpose other than determining Six Sigma Certification eligibility of the submitter/author.
– If any of the above requirements are not fully met, it does not necessarily mean that the program will be automatically rejected. Each training provider is reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Six Sigma training/certification providers that are not already featured in our “Approved Providers” listing may apply to have their program reviewed by submitting their school information, course curriculum, training/certification requirements, and instructor information to info@sixsigmacouncil.org.
We do not charge a fee for review or inclusion on our approved provider listing. With a mutual desire to ensure the long-term growth and integrity of Six Sigma Certification, we are currently funded through a combination of private capital contributions and advertising revenue.
In other words, your accreditation and listing are COMPLETELY FREE. To begin the process, please submit your information here to receive an application.